For the Public Administration Reform Coordinators in BiH and members of the supervisory teams from six reform areas, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team of the EUPAR project of the European Union Delegation in BiH, has organized a workshop on presenting the "Guidelines for monitoring and reporting on implementation of the Revised Action Plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy", which has been held today at Vlašić.
Regarding the fact that the document Revised Action Plan 1 has previously been adopted by the Council of Ministers of BiH, governments at levels of the Federation of BiH, the Republic of Srpska an the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, shown has been a need for an improvement of the whole system of reporting on progress in implementing a reform in accordance with this document.
The EUPAR expert, Samir Šošićević has presented the guidelines and talked about methodology of monitoring and reporting of implementation of the Revised Action Plan 1. In the introduction, Semiha Borovac, Public Administration Reform Coordinator in BiH has said that the cooperation with supervisory teams is a foundation for the more successful implementation of the public administration reform in BiH and has expressed her belief that by accepting this document reporting on implementation of measures will receive a qualitative character in relation to the previous quantitative reporting.
The improvement of manner of reporting is a key for successful understanding of public administration reform, which is being implemented at all four levels in BiH. The problem in work of supervisory teams represents a way of achieving cooperation with institutions of administration in BiH, which are obliged to implement certain measures in order for the administration in BiH to be closer to citizens as well as to the business society, but to satisfy the European criterions set in front of it as well. In the next period, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH will work on solving this issue and lead the activities on understanding the essence of this reform, which represents one of the conditions for the European Union Membership.
The workshop participants see the solution in a need for the Council of Ministers of BiH, entity governments and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH to insert in their annual work plans the activities and measures that need to be executed by administration institutions. In that way the governments at four administration levels will ensure a faster execution of measures and achieve the additional control over administration institutions.
Generally, supervisory teams, which consist of the senior civil servants, appointed by the governments in BiH at all four administration levels, are the key partners of the Coordinator’s Office in initiating and monitoring of the reform measures implementation. Besides the supervisory team members and their deputies, the workshop has also been attended by Mrs. Stojanka Ćulibrk, Public Administration Reform Coordinator from the Republic of Srpska as well as the advisers of specific reform areas in the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH.