As a part of the competition "WebAward.me 2011" for selection of the best websites in Bosnia and Herzegovina for this year, on November 21, 2011 held will be a ceremony of awards for the most successful in 15 categories.
In the category of Public administration found has been a website of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office as well, at the initiative of the competition organizer – Apriori communication Agency, as one of the best websites from the public administration segment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This agency has confirmed that the website www.parco.gov.ba has been selected among the top three; therefore it competes for the award in mentioned category! Announcement of winners will be held on Monday, November 21, 2011 in the Kamerni teatar 55 in Sarajevo.
More information on organizer, selection and categories, as well as the institutions nominated for awards in all categories, you can find on the official website www.webaward.me .
The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office is using this chance to thank the competition organizers for the nomination and recognition of efforts directed towards development and everyday updating of the official web presentation of the Coordinator’s Office, as well as the recognition of significance of the public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina.