At the session held on November 17, 2011, the Federal Government has supported implementation of the project "Capacity Building for Combat against Corruption in Structures of Civil Service in BiH" by the funds which will be ensured from the Public Administration Reform Fund in BiH.
The objective of project is capacity building of employed in bodies of civil service in the FBiH for combat against corruption, its suppression and preventive actions in cases of corruption and conflict of interest in civil service, through strengthening capacities of the internal units and officers for public relations for implementation of thematic campaigns, public opinion researches and proactive relation with media.
The Federal Ministry of Justice, Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, Civil Service Agency of the FBiH and the Office for Public Relations of the Government of the FBiH, each one of them in a frame of their own competencies, will ensure the conditions for a quality realization of this project, by an active inclusion in project phases of civil servants encompassed by the project, members of supervisory and implementation teams, as well as by monitoring the progress in this area, has been concluded by the Government of the FBiH.