Representatives of the Civil Service Agency of BiH, Civil Administration Agency of the RS, Civil Service Agency of the FBiH and the Subdepartment for Human Resources Management of the Brčko District of BiH have had their first meeting yesterday in Mostar. Holding this meeting was directed towards improving cooperation in the area of human resources management and realization of measures and activities from the revised Action Plan and the Public Administration Reform Strategy in BiH.
According to director of the Civil Service Agency of the FBiH, Sead Maslo, directors of the agencies have concluded that it is necessary to try to jointly improve their cooperation and exchange their experiences and information, and propose the changes of legal frameworks on basis of it.
"The goal of today’s meeting is to agree on modalities and areas of further cooperation and eventually on forming the forum of agency directors, as one informal body, which would meet periodically and exchange their experiences", Maslo has pointed out.
When speaking of complaints of the citizens that there are many competitions of agencies that have been previously set, with reference to the fact that it is always known in advance who is going to be employed, Maslo has said that the agencies announce the competitions, implement procedures, test the candidates and submit the lists of successful candidates, while the rest is up to the employer.
"We cannot know if someone is already working at some work position or not. We must only have a proof that the position is vacant. We are not any kind of inspection or police, and we cannot go to the institution to see if someone is working there over a contract or without it", Maslo has said, by adding that it is up to the inspection and police to identify such illegalities.
The National Public Administration Reform Coordinator, Semiha Borovac has said that the PAR Strategy in BiH stipulates implementing the reform at the same time at all government levels, especially when speaking of the reform area of human resources management, where the civil service agencies, according to her opinion, have conclusive role.
Reports of the European Commission on the public administration reform progress in BiH still emphasize the insufficient practical cooperation and coordination between different government levels, and when speaking of progress in the reform area of human resources management there is still a certain lack of transparency by employing civil servants, as well as different measures regarding promotion in civil service, Borovac has pointed out.
"Our goal, when speaking of civil servants and civil service, is to implement the reform as fast as possible and in a harmonized manner", has been concluded by Coordinator Borovac. (Bljesak.info)