E-kapija: In a framework of the development-politics cooperation between BiH and Germany, the Council of Ministers of BiH has approved signing the Agreement on implementation for the Program of strengthening public institutions. The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO) is the main partner in implementing planned activities of this Program, while the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is obliged for the implementation of this Program, by the appointment of the Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development.
In the beginning, besides the PARCO, the Program will be concentrated on four public institutions: the Central bank of BiH, the Agency for Statistics of BiH, the Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education of BiH and the Agency for Public Procurements of BiH. During the implementation of this Program, planned has been an evaluation of additional relevant institutions in a purpose of their inclusion in the Program.
The support in a framework of the Program will include advisory services by international and local experts on improving the processes inside the institution, training through work, development and application of informatics, introduction of quality management methods and a procurement of required equipment where needed. In addition, provided will also be advises on strategic coordination and monitoring of reform measures. All the program activities have the objective of improving the effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and orientation towards the client in included institutions.
Semiha Borovac, Public Administration Reform Coordinator has said that by implementing the Program of strengthening public institutions strengthened will be the capacities of PARCO and other four selected public institutions, the Program beneficiaries.
"Implementation of the signed Agreement will assist in implementing the public administration reform because only a reformed administration becomes a real service for citizens and ensures an efficient execution of social affairs and satisfying important every-day needs of citizens in accordance with the public interest and common good", Borovac has added. Besides other, the PARCO will be strengthened in its abilities for the administration reforms coordination, monitoring and management.
The regional director of the GiZ, Jutta Zinnel has separated this Program as the special one because of the exclusive opportunity for using the effects of synergy between the institutions, towards which the program activities will be directed as well.
"The GIZ hopes that the implementation of this Program will bring to strengthening individual public institutions and improving cooperation between the institutions at all administration levels", she has pointed out.