On Monday, October 31, 2011, in the hotel "Bosnia" in Sarajevo, held has been the final conference of the project “Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service of BiH”. The project team led by Aleksandra Rabrenović, Phd., has presented the main results of project, among which are the general performance management principles as well, which are common for all the administration levels of civil service in BiH, on basis of which the civil service agencies of BiH and the FBiH have adopted the new Rulebooks on civil servant work assessment in July and September of 2011, while the Civil Administration Agency of the Republic of Srpska has adopted the changes and amendments of the existing Rulebook on civil servant assessment and promotion procedures in August of 2011.
The conference has gathered representatives of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Ministry of Justice of BiH, Ministry of Finance of BiH, Civil Service Agency of BiH, Council of Ministers of BiH, Ministry of Justice of the FBiH, Civil Service Agency of the FBiH, Ministry Administration and Local Selfgovernance of the RS, Civil Administration Agency of the RS, Government of the Brčko District of BiH, representatives of international organizations and donors who are active in the public administration reform process (the European Commission, SIDA, the British Embassy, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands and the Kingdom of Norway).
The Public Administration Reform Coordinator, Mrs. Semiha Borovac has pointed out that the reform area Human Resources Management is very significant in the process of public administration reform, which is specifically shown in the report of the European Commission in BiH on basis of which it is obvious that the total achievements in the administration field have mostly been in this reform area. Significance of this project is also in the fact that the full agreement related to the objectives set by the project has been reached, which relates to getting to more effective assessment, by referring to the method of evaluating civil servants as one of the basic instruments for support in human resources management, Borovac has said.
She has also said that one of the key priorities for the European Partnership is achieving the transparent employment procedure based on the successfulness and the system of modern promotion in career as well as "professionalism" in civil service. This project is very important because since its beginning it has been based on the common idea of all the key institutions that are responsible for implementing the civil service reform at all four administration levels in BiH, Borovac has added.
As a reminder, the project has been financed from the Public Administration reform Fund, through the budget of 760.383,00 KM with VAT, implemented by the consortium "Djikic Consulting Services" d.o.o. Sarajevo and "Đikić" d.o.o. Sarajevo. This project ensures the support of the Action plan 1 for implementation of the public administration reform in BiH and it provides a contribution to implementation of the PAR Strategy of BiH with an objective of executing the conditions for the European Union membership.
In a frame of the project, the total of 591 directors/evaluators from all administration levels in BiH has passed the training, which has also encompassed 61 civil servants who have become the trainers for the area of the performance management at each administration level of civil service in BiH – has been said by Aleksandra Rabrenović, Phd.
At the conference presented has also been the publication – "Handbook on assessment – Guide for the successful performance management in structures of civil service in BiH", which has been prepared by the project team with a purpose of simplifying the assessment procedure for all the participants in this procedure, going from civil servants to the directors of government bodies.
The conference attendees have also been addressed by representatives of beneficiary institutions from all administration levels: Mr. Mikan Davidović on behalf of the Ministry for Administration and Local Selfgovernance of the RS, Mr. Neven Akšamija on behalf of the Civil Service Agency of BiH and Mr. Sead Maslo on behalf of the Civil Service Agency of the FBiH. Mr. Edin Smajlović has passed on the experiences that the representatives of the Brčko District of BiH have had in the implementation of this project.