At the 165th session held on October 26, 2011, the Council of Ministers of BiH has been introduced to the Proposal for concluding the Implementation Agreement on implementation between the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ) and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO) for the program of strengthening public institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore the following has been concluded:
The Council of Ministers of BiH accepts the conclusion of the Implementation Agreement on Implementation between the German Society for International Cooperation and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office for the program of strengthening public institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and authorizes the Public Administration Reform Coordinator of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs. Semiha Borovac for its signing.
At the same time, the PARCO is being obliged to ensure the following in the process of implementation:
a) Consistent application of objectives of the PAR Strategy in BiH and implementation of reform measures determined by the Action Plan 1;
b) Objectives and activities on strengthening organizational and human capacities in identified institutions, or in the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Agency for Statistics, the Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education and the Agency for Public Procurements as well as the other institutions identified afterwards.
Also, the PARCO is being obliged to report annually on the implementation of mentioned agreement and send the report for deliberation to the Council of Ministers of BiH, by not affecting the independence of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its obligation of sending its reports to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and the Presidency of BiH.
The complete public announcement from this session of the Council of Ministers of BiH you can read here .