The conference called "Role of Civil Servants in the Combat against Corruption" will be held in Banja Luka, on October 18 and 19, 2011, in organization of the Civil Administration Agency of the Republic of Srpska and the SIGMA.
The goal of this two-day conference is a presentation of better and more efficient anticorruption instruments for the Civil Administration Agency of the RS as well as encouraging the institutions of the RS and other administration levels in a segment of cooperation and coordination in the combat against corruption. The representatives of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO) will participate in the work of this conference as well. Besides the PARCO representatives, the conference will be opened by the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, the European Union Delegation, the SIGMA and the Agency for prevention of corruption and the combat against corruption coordination of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Through the presentations and thematic discussions, workshop participants will try to identify the key issues, problems and international experiences and practical solutions for prevention and combat against corruption in civil service.
The conference will be held in the hotel "Bosna", with the beginning at 09:00 o’clock.