The Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self Governance of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the Swedish Institute for Public Administration, organizes the two-day regional conference "Services, skills and capacities – key challenges in building a modern Public Administration in Europe".
The goal of this conference is to promote the cooperation between the countries of region in the area of public administration and to adopt the ministerial declaration that will confirm the establishment of a long-term cooperation by the pattern of the European public administration network.
Such regional conference will provide the representatives of public administrations of the Candidate Countries and the EU Member States the possibility of exchanging the ideas and experiences in implementing the public administration reform as well as identifying the measures and approaches that contribute to the economic and social development of country at the same time.
This two-day event will be held on October 6 and 7, 2011 in Belgrade. For the first day, scheduled are the expert meetings through 3 panels/work groups:
- "Better services for citizens and economy"
- "Development of management skills in public administration"
- "Administration capacity building for the EU legislation implementation"
The second day of the conference encompasses holding the meetings of ministers responsible for public administration reform in the countries of region. By going from the recommendations given by the expert work groups, the special meeting of ministers of the countries of region and interested EU Member States, which will be held on October 7, will serve for the preparation and annunciation of the declaration on joint conclusions and recommendations for the successful public administration reform implementation.