E-kapija: Citizens of BiH will have many benefits from the "Administrative Decision Making in Bosnia and Herzegovina Quality Improvement Programme", whose drafting has been financed from the Public Administration Reform Fund. The recommendation for adopting new laws on general administrative procedure or changes and amendments of the existing ones represents the basis of this program.
However, in order to start its implementation, the entity governments, the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH should adopt it by the end of 2011, has been said in the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office of BiH.
The application of this Program, according to Mrs. Semiha Borovac, State PAR Coordinator, will have a direct and indirect impact on citizens, since the adoption of new laws on administrative procedure or changes and amendments of the existing ones will bring to important changes for citizens in reaching their rights. "Direct impact on citizens reflects itself firstly in fact that they will be enabled for communication with government bodies electronically, which will mean saving time and money", says Borovac.
It will also mean that collecting documentation that has been evidenced officially will be responsibility of the bodies that deal with rights and obligations of citizens. "Duration of procedures will be significantly shortened, since the first-instance body will be obliged to replace the adopted decision once it has confirmed that the complaint has been justified, while the second-instance body will be obliged to decide in cases when the procedure does not have to be complemented", she has explained.
She has also added that the silence of administration will be reduced by applying the principle of promptness, which was not present in the existing laws on administrative procedure before. When speaking of a direct impact on citizens, Borovac has said that it will reflect itself in strengthening administrative inspection with recommendation for adopting the Law on administrative inspection at levels of BiH, the Federation of BiH and the Brčko District of BiH, following the patterns of the same law that exists in the Republic of Srpska. This way, the status of administrative inspectors will become strengthened, while continual education of managers and administrative inspectors, which will bring to more qualitative and more efficient application of administrative procedures, will be applied as well.
As a reminder, this program is in accordance with the modern European standards of administrative decision-making that contains legislative, organizational, IT measures and the measures for strengthening human capacities.