SIGMA – joint initiative of the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – plays a significant role in public administration reform processes in South-East Europe countries. Through technical and advisory assistance, SIGMA is included in the public administration reform process in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. Important component of SIGMA assistance reflects in a huge number of prepared analyses, researches, publications and other papers that deal with certain problems and issues in administration.
In that sense, the most important areas of SIGMA operations are:
- Legal framework, civil service, administration, justice system and integrity;
- Internal and external audit and financial control;
- Public procurements;
- Policy and regulatory systems;
In this year, SIGMA has published Collection of papers that contains researches, analyses, studies and reports that deal with problems inside four mentioned operation areas.
Collection of SIGMA papers
Mentioned collection represents a series of specialized reports published in a framework of SIGMA activities implemented in cooperation with beneficiaries. Special focus of these papers is on specific issues in administration and management.
You can see and download these papers here . Publications available in Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian language you can download here .
If you want to receive a copy of SIGMA DVD published in 2010 with selected publications, you can send your request to sigmaweb@oecd.org .

This joint initiative of the EU and the OECD was launched in 1992, in the framework of PHARE program, with the objective to support public administration reform in 5 central European countries. In parallel with the development of the Stabilization and Association process, SIGMA assistance was extended to other countries, including all ten countries for the EU 2004 enlargement, as well as the two countries from the 2007 enlargement.
SIGMA currently works with 4 candidate countries (Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey) and 4 potential candidate countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Serbia and Kosovo under the UN resolution 1244/99).
SIGMA is a division of the OECD Directorate for Public Administration and Territory Development; therefore it develops and uses its expertise as a network of experts for management in public sector, as well as a network of decision-makers in OECD member countries.
SIGMA also coordinates its activities with other European Commission Directorates – General, including DG Budget, DG internal Market and Services, as well as with special bodies as the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Court of Auditors (ECA).
You can find more information on the official SIGMA website .