At the session 153, held on Tuesday, June 14, the Council of Ministers of BiH has deliberated and adopted the Information on revision of the Action plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy activities. In the same time, the Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the Revised Action plan 1 for implementation of the Public Administration Reform Strategy, which represents an integral part of the Information. It will be deliberated and adopted by the entity governments and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH as well.
The Council of Ministers of BiH and other competent institutions, mentioned in the Revised Action plan 1, will in their annual work programs and other strategic planning documents, include goals, activities and indicators of successfulness from the Revised Action plan 1 for implementation of the PAR Strategy. The same will be done by the entity governments and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH.
Political coordination of the public administration reform at the level of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Prime Minister of the Federation of BiH, the Republic of Srpska and the Brčko District of BiH, stipulated by the Common Platform on principles and manners of the Action plan 1 of the PAR Strategy implementation, will be executed through the meetings of the Economic Development and European Integrations Coordination Board, which will be held at least twice per year. According to the agreement between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Prime Ministers of the Federation of BiH, the Republic of Srpska and the Brčko District of BiH, coordination can be led by the ministers authorized by the Council of Ministers of BiH and the governments.
As a reminder, the Revised Action plan 1, or new measures and activities that should be implemented by the government institutions in BiH by 2014, will make the public administration in our country stronger, closer to citizens as its business society. After almost a year since the conclusion on the Action plan 1 of the PAR Strategy analysis execution has been adopted, and after huge number of meetings of supervisory teams, coordinators and experts in these reform areas, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has executed the Revised Action plan 1 for all six reform areas with précised goals, activities, authorities responsible for the implementation and deadlines for implementing individual measures.
It is about the document that will quicken the public administration reform process and contribute to a faster completion of conditions required by the BiH administration in the process of the European Union association. The PAR Strategy in BiH encompasses six reform areas: Policy Making and Coordination Capacities, Public Finance, Institutional Communication, Information Technologies, Administrative Procedure and Human Resources Management.
In the segment of strategic planning, the emphasis is on the improvement of work planning of ministries and the Council of Ministers of BiH, or the governments. Special attention has been paid to the informatization of the regulation adoption processes. The final goal is making the regulations available and free of charge for citizens and companies, making them all available on the internet in a clear and simple manner, including the actual cleared texts.
International practice and experience of regional countries show that it is possible to improve the public procurements system by simplifying this process in a manner that the tenderer is not required to submit the documents that are available in public registrars, strengthen the transparency through announcing the tender in an electronic form, which represent the additional goals and activities of the Revised Action plan in the reform area of Public Finance.
Revised Action plan 1 in the reform area of Human Resources Management includes the new segment – Total Quality Management – TQM. This is a modern European approach to monitoring and improving successfulness of organizations. Using such models enables evaluations of successfulness of organizations, for example, by measuring satisfaction of the employed.
The Administrative Procedure reform area will be electronically improved, which will especially contribute to the obligation of administration to collect the documentation, so the citizens are no longer responsible for it.
The Action plan 1 revision assumes some changes in the area of Institutional communication as well.
For business subjects, in the new Action plan 1, through the reform area of Information Technologies, stipulated is the development of the »One Stop Shop« system, in order to make the electronic registration available.