The fourth meeting of the IPA multi-beneficiary Work Group for Public Administration, in the frame of the multi-beneficiary IPA programming (MB MIPD 2011-2013), which has been organized by the European Commission – General Directorate for Enlargement, has been held in Danilovgrad in premises of the Regional school for Public Administration (ReSPA), on April 14 and 15, this year.
The summary of activities implemented for each sector work group and the Draft Sector Plan for the period 2012-2013 (IPA Multi-Beneficiary Programming 2012-2013 – Sector: Public Administration, Regional Cooperation and Horizontal Support for Strengthening Public Administration of Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries Plan) have been presented at the meeting. In addition, presented has also been the work plan for two upcoming months during which the drafts project proposals for three multi-beneficiary projects: "Strategic Planning and Budgeting", "Public Service Quality" in the frame of the ReSPA component and "Parliamentary Cooperation" should be completed.
The objective of the meeting was preparation of logical framework matrix for these projects. Responsible for this were the previously determined work groups that have in the previous two months had technical meetings in order to identify needs as the basis for creating joint project in the frame of the multi-beneficiary IPA. During the work in groups, created have been the first drafts of logical framework matrix. Final project proposal for each of these projects should be finished in September, 2011, and their implementation should start in 2012.
Besides the PARCO representatives, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH, Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and Directorate for European Integration, as well as participants from BiH, representatives of Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. The consultants of the European Union Delegation have provided their assistance in work of the work groups.