Meeting of the Supervisory team for the implementation of Action Plan I Public Adsministration Reform Strategy in B&H for Human Resources Management with the proposed agenda:
1. Adoption of the meeting agenda
2. Adoption of the minutes from the previous meeting of the Supervisory Team
3. Information about implemented and planned activities through implementation of project „Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service of BiH“
4. Information about progress implementation fo project „Training of Civil Servants for Application of Information Technologies and Work on Computers”
5. Considering project proposal „Development of capacities for prevention of corrupiton in the Structures of Civil Service of BiH“
6. Disussion about other projects, activities and initiatives in the reform area
7. Miscellaneous
will be held on February 15, 2010. starting at 12:00 o'clock in Sarajevo, at the premises of the Parliament of BH Federation.