Directorate for European Integration has announced the invitation for participation in seminar “ Transnational Programme Mediterranean (MED). The seminar is organized within the project “Support to the directorate invites all interested parties to apply for participation in the seminar "Transnational Programme Mediterranean (MED)''.
The seminar is organized within the project "Support to the Directorate for European Integration in the process of improving of coordination, planning and implementation of EU assistance to BiH” supported improving the coordination, planning and implementation of EU assistance to BiH" supported by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).
The seminar is intended for potential applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina (institution and organization and non profit organizations)
The aim of seminar is representing of transitional program Med to participants and its opportunities as well, through transfer of Spain experiences in this program.
The MED Program includes thirteen countries of the Mediterranean. The program includes nine EU member states and it is expanded by the inclusion of the Mediterranean countries that are candidates or potential candidates for EU membership (Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania). EU Member States are using Funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and candidate and potential candidate can use Funds from IPA Component II .
One day seminar will be held on January 20, 2001. in Sarajevo. More information about seminar and application process can be find here .