Semiha Borovac, State Coordinator for Public Administration Reform in BiH and Muamer Muftić, director of the ZAMM Media Consulting, have signed today in Sarajevo the Contract on implementation of the project “Transposing EU legislation in the Legal System of BiH”.
The project worth BAM 338.250 will be financed from the Public Administration Reform Fund. Its implementation meets one of the measures from the Action Plan 1 of the Streategy of PAR in the area of Policy Making and Coordination Capacities. Partner in the project implementation is the Directorate for European Integration of BiH.
Ms. Borovac pointed out that the objective of the project is education of civil servants involved in legislative activities in the bodies and institutions at the state, entity and the Brčko District of BiH level, and working groups for European integrations in order to master the skills and knowledge they need in the process of harmonisation of national legislation with the EU legislation.
Around 400 civil servants at all four administrative levels in BiH, as envisaged by the project, will be educated on manners, types and techniques of harmonization of legislation in order to be able to use in specific cases the most appropriate principles and so the domestic legal act could be enforceable and efficient. They will be presented with relevant knowledge and skills to achieve a complete understanding of the legal heritage of the EU and its proper transposition in the BiH legal system.
“All this will enable simpler process of harmonisation of domestic legislation with the EU legislation, which is expected from BiH in the accession process”, said Ms. Borovac.
Muamer Muftić, director of the company ZAMM media Consulting, expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the local consulting company got the job of implementing this project.
“In accordance with the objectives of the terms of reference, we will try to pay great attention to methodology of harmonisation and improvement of knowledge of civil servants so they would be able to answer all requirements in the process of transposing EU legislation in the legal system of BiH.”
Dragan Podinić, director of the Legislation Office of BiH, stressed that transposing EU legislation represents a part of overall efforts and activities BiH undertakes in accessing the EU.
“This job requires from administration to have a serious approach”, said Mensur Hadžimusić, assistant director of the Government of the Federation of BiH Office for Legislation and Harmonisation with EU Regulations. He also stressed that directive is a basic source for harmonisation of national legislation.
Dženana Živalj, head of the Department of Education in the Directorate for European Integration (DEI), pointed out that in the DEI, they are aware of the scope of work that is before the whole country, and that this is just one of many projects of training of civil servants in which DEI is involved. She, however, warned that in the general public there is no awareness of the complexity of this process, given that these are matters on which there is no full understanding.
Implementation of the project will last for 10 months.