Representatives of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH are participants of the two-day conference “Functioning of the System of Administration and Status of Employees in the Bodies of Administration in the FBiH – Normative Framework”, which started yesterday in Sarajevo. Organisers of the Conference are the Federal Ministry of Justice and the Civil Service Agency of the FBiH, with the support of the OSCE Mission to BiH.
The objective is to initiate a dialogue of representatives of all three levels of government in the FBiH (federal, cantonal and local) to actively participate in the process of negotiation and adoption of solutions that will contribute to future regulation of the matter of the status of civil servants and employees in the state administration.
The Conference represents a possibility for employees in public administration in the FBiH to find the best way leading this administration forward.
Such administration will provide the citizens with the best services, abiding on that occasion by the principles of transparency of work of civil servants, their accountability to the public and professionalism.
Participants of the conference, in addition to representatives of local institutions, are also representatives of international institutions and organisations