Valentin Inzko, the EU High Representative and Boris Iarochevitch from the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia met in Sarajevo the Federation House of Peoples Board and House of Representatives Board to discuss about possible consequences if the FBiH Parliament adopt the proposed amendments to the Law on Civil Service and the Law on Organization of Administration in the Federation in the form in which they were adopted by the Government of the Federation.
The High Representative and EU Special Representative Inzko expressed serious concern that, if adopted, these amendments would violate what has been achieve by public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additionally, abolishment of the status of civil servants for the heads of independent bodies, management and organization – as to the proposed amendments to predict – in fact means that these positions will become nothing more than political appointments.
He warned that, if these key positions are political appointments instead of being placed on them by individuals selected on the basis of their expertise, the fundamental principle of professionalism and political neutrality underlying the reform of public administration will be canceled.
The High Representative and EU Special Representative Inzko informed both the Board of the FBiH Parliament that adoption of these amendments would represent a step backwards in the process of European integration as a further step back in terms of harmonization of the Law on Civil Service in BiH, which is the primary goal of public administration reform process which is in progress.
"If these amendments would be adopted, the civil service in the Federation would become unduly politicized and it should not happen," said the High Representative and EU Special Representative Inzko, said in a statement OHR.