Training manager course was held from June 28-Jule 2 in Tirana and it was organized by European Institute for Public Administration and Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA).
Seminar gathered 20 representatives from public administration institutions and who are in charge for training's coordination. Participants were from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia.
Aim of this training was to improve awareness of the training process and how training supports the development of an effective workforce by improving the ability of training managers to specify, manage and evaluate training programmes in their institutions.
Program of the seminar was based on group and practical work, short presentations and discussions. Focus of the seminar was at on the practical issues such as organizatio and planning, monitoring, resulst and cost of the training.
In addition to these topics, participants were dealing with subjects such as different methods of learning, training cycles, training needs analysis, training and logistical preparation of its promotion.
Training methodology was based on the participatory approach enabling participants to share experiences. Partcipants concluded that they could initiate some joint projects in the future with the help of ReSPa improving work and mutual cooperation.