At the session held on July 27 in Sarajevo members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund have approved the draft of the decision on the award of contracts for the procurement of services for the implementation of the project "Transposition of EU legislation in the legal system of BiH.
By project, which will be financed by the Fund for Public Administration Reform, will be provided the training for 370 civil servants engaged in institutions of BiH, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and the Brcko District and who are in charge for legislative activities in the area of transposing EU legislation into the domestic legal framework.
Training of civil servants is a crucial for better understanding of the acquis and its correct transposition into the BiH legal system with the aim of full harmonization of domestic legislation with EU legislation.
Implementation of all project activities will accelerate the process of european integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina contiributing to the further improving of the legal system in Bosnia and Herzegovina and contribute to the greater harmonization of national administrative system with the administrative system of the European Union.
Since the decisions of the PARF JMB are being adopted unanimously, expected is a written declaration of members of the JMB, who have not been present at the session.
Tender documents for the project "Establishment of modern management department of human resources in the bodies of government in BiH“ was proved by PARF Board. The realization of this project will ensure building of specialized capacities for human resources management in the civil service institutions and administrative bodies in BiH as well in the Federation of BiH , the Republic of Srpska and Brcko District.
Members of the Board received a note of information on audit terms of reference of "Strategic communication".
Auditors Emam BCG d.o.o. SARAJEVO gave a positive opinion about the expenditure of funds for this project, which was financed by the Public Administration Reform Fund.