In the first six months this year the Government institutions in BiH have fulfilled 4.66% of measures from the Action plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy, therefore the total implementation of reform measures is currently 43.72%.
The highest progress has been achieved in the reform area Institutional Communications: 58.21%, and the lowest in the area of Information Technology: 32.26%. When looking at the government levels, the best progress has been reached in the Brčko District of BiH and the Republic of Srpska, which is over 48%. By forming the Central Information Unit at the level of the Government of the District of Brčko, and by successful implementation of three projects in the area of Institutional Communications the progress in fulfilling reform measures, in relation to the previous reporting period, has been increased by 17.77%. It is about the projects "Strategic communication", "Training of the Information Officers" and "Establishment of the Info Stands Network", which have been financed by the Public Administration Reform Fund.
In the Semi-annual report on implementation of the AP1, which has been sent to the Council of Ministers of BiH for deliberation, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office warns on the fact that the low level of implementation reflects in insufficient representation of measures from the AP 1 in the annual operational work plans of governments, long-lasting public procurement procedures, which makes it harder to implement the projects, as well as in the insufficient amount of money, which the governments allocate for trainings…
Also, by forming the Information Society Agency of BiH the percentage of fulfilling reform measures would be increased as well. Besides the Progress report, the Council of Ministers of BiH has also received the Semi-annual report on work of the Coordinator’s Office, as well as the Quarterly report of the Public Administration Reform Fund for the period from April to June, 2010. The PAR Fund has by now approved financing 14 projects, out of which three have been finished, while three of them are in the process of implementation. Value of all projects is 10.961.451.83 KM. Funds from the PAR Fund have already been reserved for mentioned projects, and the Coordinator’s Office has also initiated activities on ensuring the additional funds for financing the PAR Fund.