In the framework of the “Training of Public Relations Officers” project, during the period of April 19 to April 23, 2010, a study visit to the institutions of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia was organized.
Project cooperation was carried out by acquainting the representative of the Central Unit for Public Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the practice and method of work in member countries of the European Union. The organizer of the visit was a contractor of the project, Prime Communications from Banja Luka, in cooperation with the Office for Communication (UKOM) of the Government of Republic of Slovenia.
Participants of the study visit included two civil servants from the Bureau for Public Relations from the Republic of Srpskja, Office for Public Relations from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Service for Public Relations of the General Secretary of the Council of Ministers BiH, and the spokesmen of the Government and the Assembly of the Brcko District of BiH.
At the government press center, participants greeted the Director of UKOM and the head of Protocol of the Republic of Slovenia. A presentation about the history, the development and organization, and the primary activities of UKOM was presented. Likewise, the activities of the Protocol were presented. UKOM servants who were present were introduced with their daily activities, including:
• The organization of communication and coordination with government ministries;
• Infoclip – a sector that processes and analyzes media publications through a software application for storing and distributing publications and press clippings;
• Lessons learned from leading campaigns (Slovenian Chairman of the European Union, and the current campaign "I feel SLOVEnia" );
• Project EVROFON and government call center;
• E-government, and the project which materialized two-way communication with the government and its citizens (www.prelagam.vladi.si )
During the study visit, BiH Public Relations servants visited the ministries of: internal affairs, public administration, foreign affairs, and defense of the Republic of Slovenia. The hosts had their spokesmen of ministries and services for public relations present their experiences and work methods. A meeting was arranged for the participants and the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia, Patrick Vlacic, and his spokesperson.
Participants of the study visit had the opportunity participate at the press conference after the government session, which was held by the ministers of economy and state administration, and president of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor, who welcomed the BiH delegation.
Aside from getting familiarized with the practices in the area of institutional communication in EU member states, participants established numerous professional contacts with their Slovenian Colleagues and had the opportunity to converse with some of the highest ranking civil servants in their field of work. Presentations and discussions were rated as extremely useful, as well as a good basis for specific improvements in the work of the BiH civil service in public relations and institutional communication.
In the framework of the project, “Training of Public Relations Officers” the first phase has already been conducted – the organization of training, through which 70 civil servants from all levels in BiH, passed. In addition to a successfully carried out studious visit, a manual for public relations is being prepared, together with the organization of the PR conference which will bring together representatives of governmental and non-governmental sector dealing with this area in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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