“HRM in Public Service-European dimension and Slovenian experience” was the title of the lecture held on March 26, 2010 in Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This lecture was a third session of HRM forum and organized by the Civil Service Agency of BiH and the HRM Expert Forum of BH institutions. Lecture for public servants was focused on several areas:
- Function and principles of public administration operating in a modern state
- The role of public servant in modern public service
- The importance of HRM in public administration and division of responsibilities for HRM: the role of administrative managers
- Planning for human resources
- Competency model in public administration
- Selection and employment in public administration
- Top management in public administration and relation between the politics and public administration
- Rationalization of public administration and reduction of employees
- Payment system of the public administration and of the wider public sector
Participants have been introduced with how Slovenia solved some of the problems with which BH experts in HRM area are facing in the BH institutions. It was concluded that HRM in public administration is becoming more and more important in terms of European integration. Unlike the former administrative role of HRM, today HRM is positioning next to the top managerial structures and as such has extremely important managerial role.
Prof. Gregor Virant, PhD is associate professor at the Faculty for Public Administration of the University of Ljubljana and former Minister for Public Administration Reform in Slovenia. Public Administration Reform, during his mandate, included modernization and rationalization of public services. In the last years of the Government of Janez Jans Prof. Virant was considered one of the most popular ministers and politicians.