Education for Public Relations Officials of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Councils of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Brčko District was held in Sarajevo. It is being implemented as a part of the project of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office (PARCO).
Project implementer is Prime Communications Agency, chosen through an open procedure of public procurement. This project contributes to implementation of measures from the Action Plan 1 of the PAR Strategy.
„By implementation of this project, the beneficiaries will be introduced with public relations theory and practice and different experiences in the field of public relations. This will contribute to increase in perception of the PR concept and increase of the level of qualifications of employees in the Public Relations Units for everyday application of the concept. Study travel in an EU country is also planned by this project, with the main goal of introducing the European practice to the public relations officials“, said Vedrana Faladžić, spokesperson of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office.
At the two day training, the participants have been introduced with planning of PR campaigns, communication through new media, crisis and strategic communication and institutional reputation.
“This training program for employees of the Press Office of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Office for Public Relations of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bureau for Public Relations of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, the Government of the Brčko District, officials for public relations of the ministries at the state and entities level and officials of administration bodies in BiH who are not spokespersons, but deal with the affairs from the domain of public relations, has been completely adjusted to the users’ needs and requests, obtained through implemented research on standpoints of the public relations officials”, said Lejla Brčaninović, PR Director of Prime Communications Agency.
The goal of the project is strengthening capacities and standardization of practices of public relations officials in the administration bodies of BiH, introducing them with experiences of institutional communication, public relations theory and practice through direct approach to experiences of European practice in that area, strengthening cooperation among participants in this project and exchange of their experiences.
Education for public relations officials of the Government of the Republic of Srpska was held earlier.