On January 4, 2010 in Sarajevo the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has signed the contract on providing consultancy services for realization of project “Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH” with the consortium Djikic Consulting Services d.o.o. and Đikić d.o.o. from Sarajevo.
Goal of the project is improving efficiency of work of the government authorities of civil service through development and realization of effective performance management system and results of work in the institutions and government authorities at different government levels in BiH.
Plan of the project is to develop the agreed principles and standards for evaluation and monitoring of work of the employed in the government authorities of civil service, in accordance with the modern approach to the human resources management, the best practices in the public sector and experiences of the Member States and the region.
Value of this project is 760.383 KM, and realization will last 18 months. The project is financed through the Public Administration Reform Fund.