The fourth annual conference of the Regional community of practicians for the area of human resource management will be held on November 17 and 18, 2009 in Tirana, the Republic of Albania.
The Community of practitioners gathers the experts for the area of human resources management from civil services of countries of Western Balkans. This fourth conference has a topic "Managing performance in the Work of Civil Servants". Participation of practitioners from all countries of Western Balkans is expected.
This event has been created as a forum through which civil servants exchange experiences from practice, analyze previous activities, and formulate through working groups the conclusions and recommendations for the upcoming activities. The goal is, through the organization of such forum, to give a chance to civil servants and others included in the public administration reform process, to explore the issues related to quality monitoring and management, and efficacy and effectiveness of work of civil servants. During two working days there will be some panel sessions, joint discussions and the discussions in thematic groups.
Topics as are: does the performance need to be connected to the award/sanctions; performance management and awarding the performance; the EU perspective of performance management in civil service structures of Western Balkans are only some of the planned starting articles for the discussion in a frame of this event.
In the work of this conference, a representative of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, who is also a member of the departmental group, will participate as well.