The progress in the implementation of measures from the AP 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy in relation to the previous report (April – June 2009) is higher by 1.23% and it now is 37.69%, has been shown by the latest data recorded in the Progress report of monitoring of implementation of measures from the Action Plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy, which has been sent for deliberation to the Council of Ministers of BiH by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office.
Since the beginning of implementation of the Action Plan 1 of the PAR Strategy in BiH till September 30, 2009, the biggest progress in implementation has been achieved in the reform area of Public Finances: 43.61%, while the smallest in the area of Information Technologies – 28.72%.
The Institutions of BiH have fulfilled the most measures from the reform area of Institutional Communication (56.29%), while the smallest (13.59) has been achieved in the field of Information Technologies. The Republic of Srpska has fulfilled 51.21% of measures from the area of the IC, and 32.82% in the field of the IT. More than a half of measures from the AP 1 of the PAR Strategy, or more precisely 52.89%, has been fulfilled by the institutions in the Brčko District, mostly in the area of Information Technologies. The Brčko District has by now fulfilled the least measures in the area of Institutional Communication – 19.57%. At the state level the best progress has been achieved in the reform area of Public Finances (49.47%), and the smallest in the area of IT, 15.16%.
The level and the quality of cooperation of the PARCO with representatives of the Government of the FBiH, the Government of the RS and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, as well as the Institutions of BiH has been improved, but the obstacles still exist. The biggest of those are in insufficient informing and insufficient inclusion of the PARCO in the process of changing the law and bylaw acts, which directly influences fulfilling of agreed reform measures. Second obstacle reflects in the latency of providing information required for monitoring and reporting on reform processes. In this report as well, the PARCO has once again pointed out the fact that this work still represents an additional engagement to the PAR coordinators of the Government of the FBiH and the Government of the RS, which has a negative influence on their efficiency. Also, political coordination determined by the Common Platform on Manner and Mechanisms of implementing the Action Plan 1 of the PAR Strategy has been missing. The Management Board for Economic Development and European Integrations, not even in the third quarter of 2009, has not deliberated the implementation of the PAR Strategy in BiH.
The Joint Management Board of the PAR Fund has by now approved 14 projects in the amount of 9.504.551.61 KM (without VAT). Implementation of two projects (“Strategic Communication” and “Establishment of Info Stands Network”) is in the process, and signing of the agreement with selected tenderers and the beginning of implementation of seven projects (which are currently in the procedure of public procurement) is expected, while other five projects are in the phase of preparation of tender documentation or in the phase of preparation of project proposals and/or the Terms of Reference.