At today’s session, the Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the Strategy for suppressing of money laundry and financing terroristic activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Action plan for its implementation for the period from 2009 to 2013, has been notified from the Information service of the Secretary General.
The ministers have approved the text of the Agreement between the Ministry of Security, all police authorities and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council on establishing the system of electronic data exchange between police authorities and prosecution offices and have obligated the Ministry of Security to organize signing the Agreement. This agreement has been agreed at the end of last week at the ministerial conference, which has been led by the chairman Špirić and which has been attended by the departmental ministers. By adopting these important documents, the Council of Ministers has executed all obligations from the Road Map for liberalization of visa regime.
The goal of the Strategy is that until 2013 Bosnia and Herzegovina creates an efficient and coordinated system for suppressing the money laundry and financing the terroristic activities based on cooperation between the institutions and on international standards.
The Action plan for suppressing the money laundry and financing the terroristic activities consists of the packet of short-term, middle-term and long-term measures, which will be implemented by the BiH governments in the period from 2009 to 2013, in order to implement this strategy.
By the Agreement between the Ministry of Security, all police authorities (the Border police of BiH, the State Investigation and Protection Agency, the Federal Police Administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska, the Police of the Brčko District of BiH, and ministries of internal affairs of cantons) and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council on establishing the system of electronic data exchange between police authorities, it has been determined that the data exchange server will be placed in the Directorate for police authorities coordination of BiH in Sarajevo.
Since the last report sent to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, which has related to fulfilling of obligations from the Road Map for liberalization of visa regime, the Council of Ministers has determined:
- The Proposal Law on Changes and Amendments of the Crime Code of BiH
- The Proposal Law on Changes and Amendments of the Law on Crime Procedure
- The Proposal Law on the Corruption Prevention and Combat Against Corruption Agency
- Prepared and adopted have been:
- The Strategy for combat against organized crime
- The Strategy for combat against corruption and the Action plan for implementing the strategy for the period 2009 – 2014
- The Strategy of reintegration of returners based of the Readmission Agreement
- The State Action plan of combat against misuse of narcotics in BiH
Implemented have been the standards for the information exchange with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, the Action plan for combat against trafficking is being regularly implemented, and the Immigration profile of BiH has been adopted.
Adopted has also been the Decision on obligation of delivering the statistical data on immigrations and international protection for the Ministry of Security, and established and activated has been the Information system for immigrations. Works on building the second phase of the Immigrations center have been finished.
The Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted a list of systematic measures, in order for all the institutions of all government levels to be ready by October 15 for the beginning of issuing of biometric passports by using the improved system of documents, in which all the authorities from so called identity chain have been included. The fact that since July this year the process of issuing of passports by biometric conditions has started should also be emphasized. By now, more than 41.000 passports by biometric standards have been issued.
All the competent authorities in the chain of issuing the biometric passports have adopted the anti-corruption programs and have done the trainings.
- Concluded has been the Agreement on cooperation of all institutions, which participate in the process of integrated border coordination
- Adopted has been the Decision on the institution competent for the border crossings coordination, building and maintaining of border crossings
- Established has been the Joint center for the risk analysis for integrated border coordination
- Adopted have been all the bylaw acts – rulebooks on asylum
- The Ministry of Security has adopted one, while the Ministry of Civil Affairs three rulebooks, which regulate the areas of issuing the travel documents for refugees, persons without citizenship and foreigners
- Established have been relations with the Eurojust
- Developed have been relations with the Europol
- The functional Personal Data Protection Agency has totally been established