In a frame of the project “Establishment of info stands network”, the training on internal communication for civil servants of the Council of Ministers, entity governments and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH has been completed in September.
The servants, who work in the affairs of public relations and institutional communication in the period from June to September this year, have been listening to lectures and participated actively in the workshops on internal communication, public relations techniques, public relations in executive government, media and media relations, crisis communication and public relations. They have found out, besides others, what the mechanisms for the information exchange inside the institution are, how to relate towards the information deficit, and how to deal with the cases of crisis communication.
One of the joint conclusions of workshops is that there must be strengthening of professional position of public relations servants and lifting of integrity of spokespersons, who in accordance with measures of the Action plan 1 of the public administration reform should publicly represent the whole institutions, but not only their leaders.
The trainings have been realized by the consultancy house Deloitte d.o.o. Zagreb, which in a frame of the mentioned project has (out of servants from all four administrative levels) formed the redactions for drafting and publishing informative material, which should by the end of the year be found at 12 locations of info stands inside the buildings of the Council of Ministers, the Government of the FBiH, the Government of the RS and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH.
The civil servants encompassed by this project, according to the consultant reports, have shown a very different level of knowledge and skills on internal communication and public relations, which is mostly conditioned by institutional capacities of administrative levels. The workshop attendance was also different, and the best has been recorded in the Republic of Srpska.
The project beneficiaries for all four administrative levels have expressed a need for additional trainings of this kind, and one of the indirect results achieved in the project implementation by now is the fact that the contact and the information exchange have been established among the civil servants from different administrative levels. This has not been a case before.
The project “Establishment of info stands network” is the first project financed from the Public Administration Reform Fund. It has been prepared by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office and it encompasses all four administrative levels in BiH.