In the organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Integrations of Croatia, the Regional Conference on European Integrations, has been held in Zagreb on November 17 and 18.
The goal of the conference was the exchange of experience of countries of the South-East Europe and their individual achievements in a sense of integration in the European Union, discussion on the implementation of the SAA, the Instrument of the Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), and the themes from the area of jurisdiction and security, in a regional context.
After the introduction, the heads of delegations of the countries-participants of the conference, have presented the condition in their countries in a sense of integration in the EU, and the thematic discussion has been continued after that, in mixed working groups. In the plenary discussion, several initiatives have been presented.
Besides others, the mutual approval of faculty diplomas and achieving the pension insurance in the countries of region, as a way of achieving one of the fundamental principles of the EU – freedom of moving, has been initiated as well.
The participants of the conference, considering the summit of the EU held in 2003 in Thessaloniki, have initiated so-called "Thessaloniki II", or adopting the typical strategy of the EU on principles of the Euro-Integration of countries of region.
The representatives of the countries of the region have at the conference expressed their preference for continuation and strengthening the cooperation at an operational level, and the introduction of the broad specter of themes on the European integrations in the educational systems as well.
The Regional Conference on the European Integrations has gathered the representatives of Croatia, BiH, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Serbia, and the BiH Delegation has been consisted of the representatives of the Government and non-government sector, and the State Public Administration Reform Coordinator in BiH, Nevenka Savić.