Partner Countries
Beneficiary Countries
In Dubrovnik, on April 23 – 25, 2008, international meeting “Innovations in the area of public administration in the Mediterranean region” was held.
Organisers of the meeting were the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) i and the Central Office for Administration of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Almost all the countries of the Mediterranean region took part in this meeting, primarily through their representatives in earlier established network of innovators, but also through significant number of ministers and other high officials in charge of matters of administration and public governance, who recognised significance and expressed support to affirmation and transfer of innovations between countries in the region. Significant contribution to the meeting was given also by representatives of other organisations and institutions which support activities on development of innovations in the region of the Mediterranean (formez.org, caimed.org, ashinstitute.harvard.edu, formez.it ). The list of participants can be seen here.
The objective of the meeting was presentation of condition related with innovations in public administration (public affairs and civil service) in the countries participants of the meeting, exchange of experiences and especially discussion of the model and possibilities for transfer and taking over innovations between the countries in the region. The agenda of the meeting can be seen here.
The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, upon invitation by the organiser of the meeting, participated for the first time in this kind of meeting, which are being held since 2003.
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Deputy Public Administration Reform Coordinator, Suad Musić, presented at the meeting the condition of innovations in public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially stressing the context of innovations in our country directed primarily towards institution building, and only to a smaller extent and on lower levels of authority towards services. He also presented the most significant part of innovations which came as a result of that context, and measures which are being undertaken for affirmation of innovations in administration. Among the areas which need further development of innovations, he especially reviewed the need to ensure integrated services for citizens. This is of a special significance for Bosnia and Herzegovina considering that different public services are provided on different administrative levels because of which citizens are often in dilemma in what way, under which procedure and from which bodies they are supposed to ask for certain service, where expenses burdening citizens are significantly higher. Equally significant, he pointed out the need of development of model of participation of citizens and civil society in public policy making and adoption of instruments of their implementation, and further improvement of partnership with the NGO sector in executing public affairs and providing public services.
In the end he gave recommendations for further promotion of innovations, among which as especially interesting and beneficial came out the international practice (the UN, the EU) of establishment of Programme of prizes for the best innovations which were accepted by numerous countries in their practice (UNPAN, Dubai International Award, Bettergov.ie). The whole presentation can be seen here.
Representatives of the UNDESA presented and distributed to the participants of the meeting the draft Guide for transfer and adjustment of innovations in administration, which was prepared within the Programme for Innovations in Public Administration in the Mediterranean (InnovMed) with primary objective to facilitate the process of transfer and adjustment of innovations, focusing on practical tools for transfer and key factors of success. Text of the Guide in English language available here.
The meeting was ended by adoption of Declaration on Promoting Culture of Innovations in Administration in the Mediterranean Region which summed up the conclusions and recommendations for future activities on national and the level of the Mediterranean region.
Presentations of all the participants of the meeting will be placed on the website of the organiser of the meeting within next seven days.