The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s office presented on Tuesday in Sarajevo the Annual Progress Report on the Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Report states that the total realisation of the Action Plan 1 of the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform in BiH 18.43 per cent, and gives detailed data on the progress of the Reform, in total and by the reform areas. This is the first official progress report on any reform in BiH, drafted by the Coordinator’s Office, and adopted by the Council of Ministers of BiH on March 27, 2008.
Nevenka Savić, State Public Administration Reform Coordinator stressed that the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform is the only strategy in BiH which has an implementation monitoring system. In the entire process of progress monitoring all the administration levels are included through the entity coordinators and the public administration reform coordinator of the Brčko District, and supervisory teams appointed by the Council of Ministers and the governments of the RS, the FBiH and the Brčko District.
By the Report, for the first time there are published official and verified percentages of realisation of the public administration reform by administration levels and reform areas. Behind all data there is a documentation basis which gives them dimension of credibility and verifiability. The report also contains tabular presentation with percentages of realisation of every respective measure of the Action Plan 1 and it is related to period January 1st – December 31st, 2007. and is a start of regular analyses and reporting on the progress in public administration reform in BiH.