The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the 43rd session, held on March 27, 2008, adopted the Annual Progress Report on the Public Administration Reform in BiH. That officially confirmed this document, prepared by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH, as a source of information on the condition and progress achieved in the area of public administration reform.
Report, related to period January 1st – December 31st, 2007, is the first such document which gives concrete percentages of realization of the measures from the Action Plan 1 of the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform in BiH. For the first time, results are being presented, i.e. percentages of the achieved progress on all the administrative levels, by reform areas, and in total. Also, for the first time realistic picture of the state of affairs and of the progress so far was given for this extremely important reform.
Basis for gathering, analysis of information and reporting was provided through the usage of own monitoring system, developed by the Office. This too provided for having concrete numbers and percentages through a complicated calculation, which starts from the respective activities and measures stipulated by the Action Plan 1 and a degree of their execution.
The Report came to be through joint work with the partners from all the administration levels: firstly through cooperation with the entity coordinators and the public administration reform coordinator of the Brčko District of BiH, as well as with the supervisory teams from all the levels. Besides, information were gathered also by independent research by the employees of the Coordinator’s Office, with an objective of providing credibility and accuracy of information. Wherever it was possible, documentation basis was stated for every respective measure, in order to introduce dimension of objectivity and verifiability of the stated information.
The most important data, for the first time gathered in one place and based on estimates of the representatives working “on the spot” are:
• Total implementation of the Action Plan 1 of the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform in BiH, by the end of 2007 is 18.43 per cent
• Jointly by areas that is:
Policy Making and Coordination Capacities: 19.55 per cent
Public Finances: 20.63 per cent
Human Resources Management: 22.13 per cent
Administrative Procedure: 13.70 per cent
Institutional Communications: 21.12 per cent
Information Technologies: 13,44 per cent
Other results of the progress monitoring – by areas and administration levels, you can find in this document. Here you can download the Annual Progress Report (monitoring of implementation of the Action Plan 1) and its Annex (table overview of the percentage of implementation by areas and by respective measures).
In some reform areas there is a reserve left in a sense that the progress I realistically bigger, but it could not be verified through a documentation basis. However, by its comprehensiveness and gathered information, the Report presents a significant step in implementation of the Public Administration Reform in BiH and it is basis for all other activities and continuation of the progress monitoring.
For the first time, it is possible to find objective information on realization of the measures of the Action Plan 1, as well as on condition in the Public Administration Reform. Achieved progress is significantly bigger than the one estimated so far, and presents a good basis for positive attitude towards future steps in the reform. The Coordinator’s Office will continue with regular reporting to the Council of Ministers every three months, as well as the BH public on the progress of the Public Administration Reform.