The representatives of Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office took part in the seminar named "Implementation of the SAA throughout programme of European integration", organized by the Directorate for European integrations (DEI).
The seminar has been held on Wednesday, 16th of May 2007, in the Building of BiH Institutions in Sarajevo, and the representatives of institutions involved in EU integration process has been present. PARCO is directly involved in that process as an institution of horizontal importance with the task of reforming administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the administration itself is the segment of state that will carry out most of the burden of EU integration process.
"Entering EU is one of the biggest tests for the administration" said Mr. Andrei Engelman, from the Department for European affairs of Republic of Slovenia. "The credibility means everything in EU – given promises must be performed, and without political support, you can simply forget about everything" Mr. Engelman concluded.
The panel discussion included representatives of the institutions, horizontally involved in this process, which play important role. PARCO was also specified as one of those institutions, with its specific role of the mechanism which will initiate strengthening and modernization of public administration, and will make it capable to carry out the burden of Euro integrations. As it was said before: "The process of joining EU strikes all levels of state and society, but it has the strongest impact on administration which have to be changed completely!" and precisely, PARCO represents the body which will coordinate and monitoring those changes, and tend them to the optative direction.
Mrs. Nevenka Savic, state coordinator for public administration reform, briefly presented situation within PARCO and its activities to the attendants,. The accent was on the fact that PARCO has limited number of employees, together with insufficient budget, and that are the moments that holds back full efficiency in work. "Development of the coordination mechanisms, both horizontal and vertical, is of extreme significance" Mrs. Savic stressed. "We should learn from the others, but we have to develop those mechanisms on our own. That is only possible through the active approach and good cooperation of all institutions in BiH" concluded state coordinator, adding that DEI has full support from Coordinator's office, in all of its activities.