The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Information of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office on the sixth online survey conducted on the application of the Policy and Standards of Proactive Transparency, which was implemented in the period from April 29 to May 27, 2024, with the participation of 56 institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The research showed that the average compliance with proactive transparency standards is 73.78%, which is an improvement of 1.51% compared to 2023.
Proactive transparency standards, among other things, include enabling public insight into data/information sets held by: strategic, operational, financial and information in the areas of public procurement, anti-corruption and freedom of access to information.
According to the results of the research, five institutions of the Council of Ministers of BiH meet 100% of the proactive transparency standards, namely: the Directorate for European Integration, the Agency for Statistics of BiH, the Agency for Higher Education and Quality Assurance, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office and the Market Surveillance Agency of BiH. These institutions have published all data and information of public importance, from employee contacts to the total income of the heads of these institutions and all civil servants and employees.
More than 90 percent of proactive transparency standards were achieved by: the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the state ministries of civil affairs, communications and transport, and the BiH agencies for forensic examinations and expert assessments, for corruption prevention and coordination of the fight against corruption, for labor and employment, as well as for the protection of personal data, and the BiH Indirect Taxation Administration.
The Council of Ministers of BiH adopted several conclusions aimed at increasing the transparency of its institutions and bodies, and invited the Office for the Audit of BiH Institutions, the State Electricity Regulatory Commission, the Agency for the Provision of Air Navigation Services in BiH – BHANSA, the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, and the Attorney General’s Office of BiH to participate in the upcoming survey on the fulfillment of proactive transparency standards.