The regular meeting of representatives of CAF correspondents from Europe was held yesterday in Budapest.
This is the second meeting this year, which is organized by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) with the support of the country holding the EU presidency, in this case Hungary.
At the meeting, novelties in the implementation of the tool for improving public administration, CAF, were presented.
On this occasion, CAF experts presented a new feedback evaluation methodology (PEF), which is essentially a type of certification in CAF.
Also, guidelines for CAF Education, adapted to CAF for primary and secondary schools, as well as other educational institutions, were presented.
The representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kenan Avdagić, introduced news and activities from all present countries, with a special focus on the countries of the Western Balkans, which with the help of the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) in the previous period did a lot to promote and implement CAF.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is recognized as a leader in this field in the region.