Dnevni list: Defeating fact, which has quite easily passed by our state parliamentarians relates to the fact that by now nobody has really deliberated the final report on performance, meaning the work of 60 state institutions. Because of that, nobody in this country knows what does a huge number of institutions do and what they spend their money for. The chairwoman of the Serbian nation in the state House of Peoples, Dušanka Majkić is worried because of the fact that this year for the first time, the Council of Ministers has delivered the report on work of the state institutions in 2008, but instead of finding out as much as possible out of this report, parliamentarians have remained without an answer to the question if it is about the report of the Council of Ministers and its close authorities, or it is about all the institutions.

Only 28 positive reports

The Office for auditing of the financial operations of the institutions of BiH in its last report for 60 state institutions has stated that 28 institutions have received a positive opinion, out of which 24 clearly positive and 4 positive with suggestions, and 31 of them have received a qualified opinion or the opinion with reserve.

"We have swallowed that bitter bite, but next time we will not", has been warned by Majkić. So, this year was not actually about the report of all state institutions, which has been adopted by the Council of Ministers, but about the partial document out of which it is impossible to determine what the civil servants do in some institutions. Are 60 authorities at the state level too much, Majkić has asked, especially if a big number of them are ineffective? It is about a very big amount of money, which is being allocated for their work, but what scares me even more, she says, is the fact that in this moment nobody controls their work. "Nobody has opened this question by now. In order to make anything, the Council of Ministers should submit a qualitative material on each situation and by the unified methodology", has been pointed out by Majkić, and added how it is funny that some of the institutions have recently delivered their plan of work instead of the report.

She cannot understand that someone does not know the difference between the plan and work report, and she is additionally worried by the fact that some institutions, by using their own methodology, have passed by the most important elements of their business. Because of that there is a question on how high is the performance of each institution, even though if on some authorities is being deliberated at the Parliament, there is no detailed unified analysis of work of all of them, Majkić has reminded and suggested publishing the work reports along with the annual audit reports. Even though, she says, institutions of BiH have an important social role and are taking some significant funds, delegate of the HDZ 1990, Božo Rajić says that the Parliament of BiH, as the highest legislative authority in country, does not have the information on behavior, or work and effectiveness of institutions. Because of that it is necessary to make one total analysis of work of all authorities, even through the percentages, by not waiting on regular annual reports.

"It seems that this area has been abandoned because of the political disagreements", Rajić has said, by warning that there are also the problems as the lack of national parallels in some authorities, not fulfilled functions, as well as the presence of many executive operatives. This way, work of the state institutions is abandoned.

Annual allocation of 896,078.499 KM for work of state institutions is a lot, especially when considering the world economic crisis, which in a large measure has taken over BiH, some economic analytics have agreed.