Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Milorad Dodik, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Srpske, said yesterday that every unemployed person who refuses the job offer within their vocation will be removed from the Unemployment Bureau’s records.
Dodik pointed out that the Government, in cooperation with the unions, the Chamber of Commerce and the employers, will make impossible for the unemployed who refuse the offered job to exercise their rights through the Bureau.
“The bureau records show many unemployed who do not want to work in the textile branch, and at the same time they exercise certain rights“, said Dodik, after the meeting with the representatives of the unions and employers.
According to Dodik’s words, the Government will direct to the Parliament the proposal of the law which will regulate a decrease in expenses for the sick leave which are at the expense of the employer, solution for the maternity leave and tax for the luncheon provision.
According to the new law, the payment of one part of the sick leave would be by the Health Fund, and at the expense of the employer.
“The employer would pay the sick leave only for one month, while according to the present solutions, the employer has to pay for four months”, said Dodik.