The seminar for training managers will be held form 28 June to 2 July 2010 in Tirana and it is organized by the European Institute of Public Administration. The seminar is intended for human resources managers.

The effective management of training is an important pre-condition to get a maximum benefit for the performance of the administration.

In times of shrinking budgets it is even more crucial to have training programmes that have a high relevance to the needs of the organisation and that are organised in an efficient way.

For that purpose a course for training managers is organised that will focus on the practical issues involved in the procurement of training, planning training programmes, monitoring outcomes and cost of training. Emphasis will be on needs analysis, setting objectives, evaluation and design rather than delivery in an interactive, participative style that provides an opportunity to share experience.

That is why this seminar is intended for HR managers and will be focused on practical issues such as organization and planning, training, monitoring results and the costs of training. Emphasis will be on needs analysis, goal setting, evaluation and design of training programs, and training methodology will be based on a participatory approach and participants will use their own experiences working for the organization they worked for.

The goal of training is to raise awareness about the training process and on how training supports the development efektivnik working capacity with the help poboljšabnjem skills training managers to identify, manage and evaluate training programs in their organizations.

The aim of training is improving awareness of the training process and how training supports the development of an effective workforce by improving the ability of training managers to specify, manage and evaluate training programmes in their institutions.